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Chris "Kip" Bryne




Chris Bryne is a driving asset to our clients’ success.  His savvy and ability to achieve results while making friends along the way is the result of creative, relentless advocacy, listening skills, experienced insight and a team approach.  He has broad experience in the private sector and the legislative, judicial and administrative areas of the Federal government.  


As a professional, Chris was tapped by the State of Rhode Island to direct all professional liability litigation arising from that State’s financial crisis, bringing in over $130 million with just two cases who settled their claims.  Before that, he was the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation’s Assistant Director where he personally formulated and prosecuted cases against notorious bank fraud artists such as Charles Keating in Arizona.  The FDIC also relied on him to handle their most sensitive negotiations, investigations and other matters.  He personally uncovered and successfully prosecuted organized crime initiatives that infiltrated over 110 financial institutions. 


Chris also understands business and government issues.  He has helped start a successful multi-million dollar technical services firm and earlier as a Congressional staffer, he had firsthand knowledge of energy issues and helped with the issues involving the development of nuclear energy, hydroelectric dams and fossil fuel production.  As a law clerk to Judge John Garrett Penn in the US District Court for the District of Columbia, Chris saw firsthand some of the largest and most contentious legal battles unfold in that court involving national corporations and the Federal government.  


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